Full Moon Lunar Eclispe in Libra

Are you ready? Full moon lunar eclipse early Saturday morning, happening in the axis of self and other (Aries-Libra). Full Moons are potent, eclipses make then doubly so. An eclipse is when the light of either the sun or the moon is held back for a moment and then released, much like pressing a reset button. It’s a power boost that can be used to spur you forward in a direction that you need to go but either weren’t aware of or that you have been resisting. 

For insight on the particular area of life where this may take place for you, take a look at your natal chart and find which house Libra is in, and your “Aries house,” which will be directly opposite. Take a close look at your relationships in these areas, and consider the quality of the balance between self and other there. Does it need to change? In what ways? What do you need more of, and what do you need less of? Who do you see as helping, and who is hindering? 

(If you need help finding these, let me know, I can help.) 

For many, social circles have been under review and revision for some time. This is an excellent time to leave the past in the past, keep the lessons and let go of the rest, stepping forward on your path lighter and more grounded. Things that have been troubling you for some time may suddenly become clear to you, and the action steps (Aries) needed can finally be taken. 

Onward toward your future!